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Operation Manuals

Nintendo Playchoice-10 Manuals

Playchoice-10 Manual (Dual Monitor) (1.2 MB)
Operation Manual, Model No: PCH1-UP & PCH1-UP-US
Playchoice Upright Manual (Single Monitor) (1.6 MB)
Operation Manual, Model No: PCHU-MD5
Playchoice-10 Kit Manual (Dual Monitor Conversion) (356 KB)
Installation and Operation Manual for Nintendo Punch-Out!!, Arm Wrestling, and Super Punch-Out!!
Playchoice-10 Kit Manual (Unisystem Conversion) (564 KB)
For Installation in VS. Unisystem (single monitor) cabinet.
Playchoice-10 Countertop Manual (1.7 MB)
Operation Manual, Model No: PCK-CT-US
Nintendo Gun Service Package (196 KB)
Repair and maintenance of VS System and Playchoice10 light guns. Includes disassembly and part replacement instructions, part lists and diagrams.
Playchoice-10 Gun Holster Mounting Diagram (196 KB)
Mounting diagram for Playchoice gun holsters, for single and dual monitor cabinets. Originally provided with new Nintendo gun kits.
Miscellaneous Playchoice-10 Schematics (2.5 MB)
Including PCH1-CPU schematics, power supply schematic, FCC schematics, video monitor adjustment schematics and wiring diagrams, and Nintendo gun assembly parts list.
Playchoice-10 Header Marquee and PCB Installation Chart (84 KB)
Originally provided with the purchase of a new Playchoice game PCB and mini marquee header.
Playchoice-10 Motherboard Upgrade Chart (72 KB)
Originally provided with the purchase of a "G" type Playchoice game PCB (e.g. Super Mario Bros 3, TMNT 2). The chart describes how to modify certain Playchoice motherboards to be compatible with "G" type games.

Nintendo VS. System Manuals

VS. System Manual - DualSystem (1.0 MB)
VS. DualSystem Operation Manual, Model: MDS-UP-US
VS. UniSystem Kit Manual - Nintendo (3.4 MB)
For installation in Nintendo Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong 3, Mario Bros. and Popeye.
VS. UniSystem Kit Manual - Pac-Man (1.9 MB)
For installation in Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man Upright Video Game Cabinets.
VS. Gun Kit Manual (984 KB)
For installation in any UniSystem or DualSystem cabinet. Also includes Gun Kit manual revisions for VS. System Table Gun PAKs (red tent table-style systems), and Gun Kit manual revisions VS System Pac-Man converted cabinets.
Nintendo Gun Service Package (196 KB)
Repair and maintenance of VS System and Playchoice10 light guns. Includes disassembly and part replacement instructions, part lists and diagrams.
VS. System VS. Table Type (708 KB)
Operation Manual. Model No. MDS-TBL. Model No. MDS-TBL-US. Dual monitor, "Red Tent" style cocktail.
VS. Table Type Schematics (1.2 MB)
Diagrams for MDS-02-CPU assembly and schematic, PP1100A power supply assembly and schematic, and XM-1801N monitor schematic
VS. System Table Type - Leg Extension Kit (60 KB)
Installation instructions for assembling the VS cocktail leg extension kit.
VS.-PAK Installation Manual (687 KB)
For installation of VS.-PAK games in VS. UniSystem, VS. DualSystem, and VS. Table systems. Includes four versions of the PAK installation procedure manuals.
VS.- Gumshoe Memory Boost (40 KB)
Instruction for VS. System memory modification required for VS. Gumshoe PAK.
VS. Slalom Attachment PAK Manual (332 KB)
For installation in VS. UniSystem (Upright) and VS. DualSystem (Upright)

VS. Game Instructions

VS. Atari RBI Baseball Installation Instructions (176 KB)
Originally provided with RBI Baseball VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.

1st Printing
2nd Printing

VS. Baseball Operation Manual (204 KB)
Originally provided with Baseball VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Castlevania Operation Manual (128 KB)
Originally provided with Castlevania VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
Nintendo VS Dr. Mario manual. VS. Dr. Mario Operation Manual (34 KB)
Originally provided with Dr. Mario VS.-PAK. Includes dip-switch option settings.
VS. Duck Hunt Operation Manual (76 KB)
Originally provided with Duck Hunt VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Excitebike Operation Manual (144 KB)
Originally provided with Excitebike VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
Nintendo VS Freedom Force manual. VS. Freedom Force Operation Manual (260 KB)
Originally provided with Freedom Force VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Golf Operation Manual (56 KB)
Originally provided with Golf VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Gradius Operation Manual (84 KB)
Originally provided with Gradius VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Gumshoe Operation Manual (240 KB)
Originally provided with Gumshoe VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions, dip-switch option settings and memory boost modification.
VS. Hogan's Alley Operation Manual (160 KB)
Originally provided with Hogan's Alley VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Mach Rider Operation Manual (64 KB)
Originally provided with Mach Rider VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Platoon Operation Manual (132 KB)
Originally provided with Platoon VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Sky Kid Operation Manual (468 KB)
Originally provided with Sky Kid VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
Nintendo VS Slalom manual. VS. Slalom Operation Manual (110 KB)
Originally provided with Slalom VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Soccer Operation Manual (104 KB)
Originally provided with Soccer VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Super Mario Bros. Operation Manual (200 KB)
Originally provided with Super Mario Bros. VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. Tennis Operation Manual (212 KB)
Originally provided with Tennis VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions and dip-switch option settings.
VS. TKO Boxing Instruction Manual (204 KB)
Originally provided with TKO Boxing VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions, dip-switch option settings and schematic.
VS. Top Gun. Instruction Manual (277 KB)
Originally provided with Top Gun VS.-PAK. Includes game installation instructions, dip-switch option settings and schematic.
DIP Switch Settings for VS. System Games (396 KB)
This is a set of DIP Switch settings for 18 VS. System games that I've collected from internet bulletin boards. I haven't tested them all but they look pretty good. Games include: Baseball, Castlevania, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf, Ladies Golf, Gradius, Gumshoe, Hogan's Alley, Ice Climber, Pinball, RBI Baseball, Slalom, Soccer, Super Mario Bros., Tennis, Top Gun.

Related Manuals

Sanyo 19-Inch Color Raster Video Display (2.4 MB)
Sanyo 20-EZV service manual with schematic and illustrated parts list. Used in Playchoice and VS. System cabinets.
Mario Bros. Operation Manual (2 MB)
Mario and Luige in Mario Bros. Model No: TMA1-UP &TMA1-UP-US
Uses the same cabinet type and similar components as the Playchoice Single-Monitor System and the VS. UniSystem. This manual may be useful for conversions.
Nintendo-PAK Mario Bros Operation Manual. (2.1 MB)
Nintendo-PAK installation and operation manual for Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong and Popeye. Uses the same cabinet type and similar components as the Playchoice single-monitor system and the VS. UniSystem.
Punch-Out!! Operation Manual (3.5 MB)
Uses the same cabinet type and similar components as the Playchoice dual-monitor system. This manual may be useful for conversions.
Superman Operation Manual (924 KB)
There seem to be many dual-monitor Punch-Out!! to Superman conversion machines out there. This manual may be helpful for converting them into Playchoice-10 dual-monitor systems.

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